Jones Auction House LLC

PA. AY002265

"Your Stuff is our business!"

JAH AuctionZip Online Auctions

Located in Spring Brook Township, Pennsylvania, we are known for our abundance of in-person auctions throughout the year. Whether it’s furniture, jewelry, sports memorabilia, watches, or firearms, JAH does it all. Visit our Facebook page for upcoming auctions.

(Jones Auction House is a Licensed FFL Dealer)

Online auctions have become increasingly popular, offering a convenient way for buyers and sellers to connect. From art and antiques to jewelry, coins, and electronics, there’s a wide range of items available. Online auctions provide exciting opportunities to discover treasures and make winning bids! 

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Estate Sales. Home Clean-Outs.

Customer Drop Off Service each Wednesday Noon to 6:00.

Call us if you are not sure what to do with your home or items. A quick call can take a burden off your shoulders and put money in your pocket!  (570) 290-0288

JAH Facebook Page